Wolves, blame and sewing division - a wake up call
When the trains are being loaded with bodies, will progressives sit back and watch?
Just so we’re clear, I need clarification on things moving forward because the gauntlet has been thrown. It’s obvious that democrats and liberals are extremely upset now and looking to place blame on Brown and Black people for their own shortcomings.
This cannot stand.
Every day now I see blame and rage and division and it’s being sewn in Black and Brown communities. They are pitting us against one another in an effort to divert attention from their own failures and shortcomings. They are again, lumping us all together in order to scapegoat us for their failures.
This has been a long time coming but the message coming from the left right now is so much deeper than that.
We already know that the right wants to repeat history and conduct mass deportations, the likes of which will make Operation Wetback look like child’s play. They have made that message abundantly clear.
Knowing that may very well be coming, are we to understand that when the train cars are being filled with the bodies of Brown men, women and children, that these same so-called progressives and liberals - these so-called “allies” are simply going to stand by and watch..?
Or perhaps they are so upset that they will actually help, or simply wave and smile smugly as the trains are filled to capacity, emanating all of their movies, documentaries and shows about similar historical events.
That, above all else, needs to be clarified before anything else.
They have sat back and watched before in this country as people of color have been thrown into concentration camps and deported and they will do it again until proven otherwise.
As with everything else, Blacks and Raza have always been on our own in Amerikkka.
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
- Maya Angelou
You would think moments like this would bring unity instead of division and you would be wrong. The democratic party and the left have a lot of soul searching to do.
They have completely lost their identity. They are no longer the party of the poor and working class. They have steadily moved further and further to the right and now they have painted themselves into a corner as GOP Lite.
They are the party of WAR.
They are the party of censorship.
They are the party of big pharma.
They are the party of Wall Street.
They are the party of law and order.
And yes, they are the party of anti-immigration.
The message that many of us are getting is loud and clear: you want your pound of flesh and you intend to get it by any means necessary in order to teach those who betrayed you a lesson.
This language has been used before in different eras. Malcolm X taught that conservatives will show you who they are right away but that liberals will hide their true intentions with a mask, like a wolf.
The mask is off.
The left is acting as if they are losing their plantation slaves and are enraged that the labor they feel entitled to has willfully escaped.
Their language right now is the language of hound dogs barking at the hunt to recapture runaways.
If anything else, this venom, this rage and this wholesale blame is finally revealing what many have said for years now: the political parties in this country are but a two-headed monster that feeds from the same trough.
As a Chicano, as an enemy of the state, as a disciple of of Corky Gonzalez, I implore you to see things for what they are and how they have always been.
Chicanos and Latinos and Blacks were independent once and could be again if only we could break the illusion! Our power is within our grasp, if only we could escape and finally stop fighting each-other.
If only.
I have been staying away from anything political, but I have a feeling the liberals/demorats/left are foaming at mouth right now. The right wingers have been the same way if their side lost. Either way is going to be an interesting 4 years.