They're stealing poetry now..?
So my work has been stolen and who knew so many people liked it?
So, by pure freakin’ chance, I came across a post on Instagram sent to me by my friend. It was an image of a poem and it sounded very familiar. In fact, it was too familiar.
And guess what? That’s because it’s mine. I wrote it! Someone jacked it from my site.
I wrote that poem in 2019, which I published here on Substack. This person didn’t even use all of my poem, they cropped the image.
Originally, it got a lukewarm response here and I forgot about it…until now.
It’s been behind a paywall for years so I have no clue how long this image has been floating around or where else it’s being used.
This is the account that is using my poem without my permission or credit:
Their bio says they promote “Chicano unity.” Let’s see if that’s true.
Call me crazy, but using other people’s work sans credit is not exactly “unifying.”
Let me put this in perspective.
I’m not just fucking around here. I own and operate a legitimate publishing company. My work is copyrighted and I share it online to promote my work and my business.
This account has 172k followers.
I have less than 300.
Who knew 600+ people would like my work so much? Imagine if they were all paid subscribers here? Crazy, right?
But they’re not. And this person is using my work to their advantage without giving me any credit or asking for my permission.
I guess on the one hand I’m happy so many enjoy my work but on the other hand I’m freaking pissed that poets and writers struggle to be a blip on the radar while influencer accounts can rake in all the credit by simply using other people’s work.
In the real world we call this: theft.
Shit like this is seriously irritating because it happens way too frequently and there’s often zero repercussions. Recently, a friend had his art stolen and used by someone making bootleg toys.
But poetry? We’re stealing poetry now..?
That’s a new one.
Does that give me any street cred as a poet? Doubtful.
This person has already racked up over 600+ likes and forty comments using my work. In terms of social media metrics, that’s great for them and pure shit for me.
And I have to be completely honest; shit like this makes me way less inclined to share anything online again.
It’s extremely frustrating as a writer to have to struggle for visibility when someone can just steal your stuff and have instant success with it.
Honestly, it makes me seriously consider just going old school again and putting my work only in print, period - no more online.
I have requested that the account credit me for my poem or remove it.
No response yet. I’m not sure I’ll get one but I will post an update if I do.
I don’t know this person and have never interacted with their account. Hopefully they do the right thing but I’m not holding my breath.
Seriously, waking up to your poetry, of all things, being stolen is a new achievement.
I’d appreciate you letting the account know they need to credit me for my work.
motherfuckers now a days are lazy, lazy to come up with their own ideas, their own art, their own struggle and lazy to get in better shape. The thing is, people always find out, look how many creeps get found out and yet they still do it. Same with ideas and creativity, you would think they would be like. hmmmm someone is eventually going to call me out on that. But no, who ever posted that is fucking idiot, he could have at least given you credit. Para wey no se estudia