How much does it cost to bury a fucking Mexican?
How much does it cost to bury a fucking Mexican? It’s an interesting question, one asked over the centuries and which has many answers, depending on who you ask if you dig deep enough into the blood-stained earth on the border where there are mass graves filled with the bodies of countless women and children you might ask the dead how much it cost to bury them there along the devil’s highway * Or perhaps we could ask the scores of people who die working the fields in the brutal heat, every day on modern day plantations picking the produce that makes its way to Amerikkkan stomachs the fruits of our labor run the economy yet we aren’t fit to be properly buried or even considered human because no one has ever cared how much it costs to bury a fucking Mexican except to make a headline * The context regarding the burial of Vanessa Guillén is lost on a population who no more values the life of a Mexican than it does the Birth of a Nation on stolen land this country has never considered ‘Mexicans’ to be human beings but instead as disposable labor and fodder for political campaigns It matters less whether the words were actually spoken out loud and more that no matter how much status, wealth or fame we achieve we’re all still just a bunch of goddamn Mexicans
So sad, but true. My blood boiled yesterday when I heard it. Then I was told by one of our own that it’s a lie from people who don’t like him anymore. The racist Kool Aid is strong.
Let's face it Mexicans don't care for Mexicans so do we expect other people to care for us