Like everyone else, I have thoughts about _______ but it’s difficult to put them into a coherent format because there’s too many moving pieces and too many unknowns.
There’s also no way to know what’s verifiable these days thanks to the untrustworthiness of both the press and the State. The press and the State have always been untrustworthy but these days their untrustworthiness is on steroids.
That said, nothing unites people like a public execution of a member the ruling class, full stop.
Not war.
Not genocide.
Not the wholesale theft of our livelihoods.
Not slavery nor mass graves.
But a public beheading of the higher caliber players on the chessboard tends to get everyone on same page.
Or so it would seem…
The press and The State are, of course, unhappy about this development and doing everything in their power to put the genie back in the bottle.
I started thinking about Tyler Durden before I noticed that many other people had the same idea. For days on end I kept thinking of the PM task: destroy a piece of corporate art.
That has always resonated with me and I think about every time I pass by a corporate building.
When I watched the skyscrapers get blown up and all of the credit card debt with them along with the song by The Pixies; when Jack declared to Marla that everything was going to be OK, that resonated with me on a level that I imagine is similar to what is occurring with people now.
Because I felt as hopeless then as I do now in regards to the corporate slavery hell scape that we call civilized society and I know that I’m not alone. Many of us lie to ourselves every day that it’s not as bad as it seems.
But it is.
What can any of us do…? That is the trillion dollar question.
All I can tell you is that history repeats itself for those who dare to pay attention. And also that no one was ever granted their freedom by being peaceful, full stop.
Fight Club resonated with my generation because the idea of something like PM was a fantasy that those of us who felt the boot on our necks all our lives could relate to in spades.
Arthur Fleck resonated with people for the same reason. Hollywood did not expect this and made every effort to condemn that line of thinking.
But Arthur Fleck/Tyler Durden touched a nerve. A very raw and exposed nerve that has been touched again and again these past few days.
The hypocrisy from The Machine is astounding. Those who would autograph weapons see fit to lecture people on morality. Absurd.
It’s interesting how this is being framed by some as the start of a revolution. I remain skeptical. I remain that way because you never know these days who is sending these messages out.
But if it really does kick something off, that would be a sight to behold. As well a return to form.
There’s a reason The Man worked so hard to crush the movements of the 60s and 70s. Just as there’s a reason the 80s came along with sweeping consumerism and the death of middle class.
I am a true believer in every action having an equal and opposite reaction.
And so, here we are.
The question is what comes next.
You would think that on a long enough time line something would have to give at some point. I’m often reminded that no civilization lasts forever. Ours is rotten to the core.
I don’t think people truly realize just how fragile society really is. Everything as we know it is built on a deck of cards as it is and the real kicker is that the cards aren’t even real at this point. They’re AI generated versions of the cards.
Nothing is as it seems and the system counts on people not noticing.
Think on that one for a bit.
I have no idea if this incident will ignite anything on a large scale. I highly doubt it. But I will say that there are a growing number of people who have absolutely had it and are almost desperate enough to shatter the illusion.
The more pragmatic side of me thinks we will move past this moment rather quickly and sink right back down into the allegory of the cave again and sedate ourselves.
Much of this has to do with why They want certain social media apps banned and total control of information and the narrative.
It also has everything to do with instant gratification, mega consumerism, too much sugar in your food, mass marketed sedatives and porn literally everywhere.
I would caution those who take to social media to air their grievances or to seek comradery against The Machine. They are always watching.
They declare every single day to ‘let them eat cake’.
It’s long past time to realize that there is no cake.
There never was.
When will it be time to eat the rich instead..?
Time will tell.
Snitches get stitches